We have been invited to enter a new gala being held on Sunday April 22nd at Darwen Leisure Centre.
Rising Stars is being run by Bolton Metro Swimming Squad and offers our new and younger swimmers an exciting opportunity to experience competition in a new environment. Darwen Leisure Centre is an excellent venue, with great facilities for both competitors and spectators, BMSS will be making full use of the facilities available including the use of the electronic timing. This is a licenced meet, meaning times will be posted on the Swim England database and may be used to qualify for further events in the future competitions. The gala is open to swimmers from all squads and also those currently swimming in Alphas and our newly formed Development Squad (Saturday 6pm-7pm). Swimmers aged 6-8 years on the day of competition will swim 25m races. Swimmers aged 9yrs+ on the day of competition will swim 50m races. Consideration times apply to these events, these are upper limit times, meaning any swimmer with a recorded time faster than those shown cannot enter. Please see the notice board or web site for details. Entry forms and further information can be found on the noticeboard and can be downloaded from www.chorleymarlins.org.uk. To enter please complete an entry form and either post it in the post box or email to [email protected] . Payment must be made at the time of entry. METHODS OF PAYMENT Cash – please ensure cash is placed in a sealed envelope along with the entry form, marked for the attention of the competition secretary. Cheques – please make cheques payable to Chorley Marlins ASC and write the swimmers name and ‘Rising Stars’ on the reverse. BACS A/C – 73783138 sort code 20-69-85, Giving reference as swimmers name followed by RS. This has arisen as a last minute opportunity for our swimmers entries must be received by 8pm on Sunday 1st April If you have any queries please speak to Mary, Claire or one of your coaches on pool side or email Claire at [email protected] Comments are closed.
December 2024