It's that time of year again and the North Lancs League series of galas kicks off at Lancaster Salt Ayre on the 10th Feb. Please take a look at the team sheet and indicate your availability using the comments system below.
3/2/2018 10:37:43 am
Chloe is available
3/2/2018 10:56:58 am
Jamie’s available
Ellie D is available .
3/2/2018 11:44:22 am
She’s very excited to be picked
3/2/2018 12:23:43 pm
Kate will be there.
3/2/2018 02:16:58 pm
Mias available
3/2/2018 05:33:32 pm
Thank you for asking, but I am sorry Katie Bedford can’t make it as we are away at a family Birthday ‘do’. She would love the opportunity another time though.
Cat Williamson
3/2/2018 05:41:44 pm
I’m really sorry, but Liam is away next weekend so won’t be able to swim.
3/2/2018 06:42:40 pm
Katie Henry can swim
3/2/2018 08:52:58 pm
Caitlin is available
Linsey Roberts
4/2/2018 05:51:29 pm
Ethan's available and looking forward to it 😊
Jack Hardman
4/2/2018 09:01:28 pm
I am available
5/2/2018 01:47:20 pm
Sorry Scott isn’t available this Saturday
Michelle Hall
6/2/2018 09:05:25 pm
Joe A can come🤗
Andrew Brown
6/2/2018 09:25:51 pm
Robert will be there
Sha Waddy Waddy
7/2/2018 02:46:53 pm
Team Waddington are in!
Nick Kellett
7/2/2018 03:47:08 pm
Owen K is on his way!
8/2/2018 07:30:02 pm
Izzy D will be there
9/2/2018 04:26:05 am
Lizzie will be there
linsey Roberts
9/2/2018 10:59:15 am
I am really sorry but Ethan won't be swimming tomorrow. Ethan has a bad cold/cough and won't be able to breathe properly, which will impact upon his performance. Please consider him for the next session.
Ben Latham
17/2/2018 12:36:48 pm
I swam Comments are closed.
December 2024