Additional dates have been added for SENW's Sports Psychology Programme. Some swimmer have attended a recent session and found it beneficial. It has now been opened up for more swimmers but as places are limited it is recommended that you sign up as soon as possible.
In partnership with Lancaster University, Swim England North West have arranged a number of online workshops for athletes of all ages and disciplines. Please note all athletes under the age of 18, must be accompanied by a parent throughout the full session. Athletes will be put into break out rooms dependant on their age. Based on age as at 31st December 2021 please book on to the appropriate course: 10 to 12 years Individuals are required to commit to all of the following dates: Wednesday 3rd March 2021 – 7-8pm Wednesday 7th April 2021 – 7-8pm Content Workshops will cover the following topics: Goal Setting and Self-Talk Psychological Imagery and Anxiety Management Book here 13 to 15 years Individuals are required to commit to all of the following dates: Wednesday 10th March 2021 – 7-8pm Wednesday 14th April 2021 – 7-8pm Content Workshops will cover the following topics: Resilience, Brain Development and Processing Change Psychological Control and Anxiety Management Book here 16 and 17 years Individuals are required to commit to all of the following dates: Wednesday 24th March 2021 – 7-8pm Wednesday 28th April 2021 – 7-8pm Content Workshops will cover the following topics: Resilience, Brain Development and Processing Change Psychological Control and Anxiety Management Book here 18+ years Individuals are required to commit to all of the following dates: Wednesday 31st March 2021 – 7-8pm Wednesday 5th May 2021 – 7-8pm Content Workshops will cover the following topics: Resilience and Thriving in Times of Uncertainty Emotional Regulation Book here Comments are closed.
December 2024