A timekeeper’s course is being held at Chorley on Sunday 8th March, 5.00pm – 8.00pm.
We are short of officials to assist at our Club Championships and need volunteers to train to become official timekeepers. If you are interested please put your name in the comments section below and we will get in touch with you and explain what is involved on the course. We are always appreciate new volunteers and this is a great way to help and support the club and your children.
Kath cottam
2/3/2020 10:40:54 pm
Please ensure all those doing the course have a stopwatch (not a phone) and please also make sure you know your asa number
Matthew Benney
3/3/2020 04:25:08 pm
Matt is swimming 7 till 8 but needs to complete this for yva. Can he either miss time triaks or leave the course early?
Mary Parkinson
3/3/2020 06:43:39 pm
For anyone wishing to do the timekeepers to help the club and help at galas. Stop watches will be provided for the club. Please register your interest and the club will register you and you will get an ASA number.
Angela Hall
3/3/2020 09:33:22 pm
I’m interested in this course please let me have more details
Kevin Sharples
4/3/2020 08:29:38 pm
Kathryn Sharples is interested and will attend
5/3/2020 07:14:03 pm
Caitlin will attend
7/3/2020 11:56:07 am
Sarah Glen will be coming and rebecca can help 6-7
Mary Parkinson
8/3/2020 10:57:49 am
The Timekeepers course will start at 5.00pm. Stop watches will be provided for those that don't have one. Please bring a pen and a clipboard if you have one.
Emma Dyson
8/3/2020 11:19:36 am
Steve will be there.
8/3/2020 12:15:54 pm
Katie B will be attending 8/3/2020 12:23:24 pm
Have just been informed about this, but am happy to volunteer and attend. Comments are closed.
December 2024