Chorley Marlins will be holding Time Trials during normal training times for those squads that usually train on Sunday's 5-8pm.
Could you please attend your normal swimming times but remember to bring your bottles and a spare towel to keep warm on poolside. UPDATE: Not many people have entered so far, Please get your entries in before Friday
NEW GALA - HARROGATE GALA HARROGATE SPA TOWN A/B GRADED MEET. SATURDAY & SUNDAY 30th & 31st MARCH 2019 VENUE: THE HYDRO, JENNYFIELDS DRIVE, HARROGATE This meet is open to swimmers aged 9 yrs and over swimming in Alpha squad and above. Swimmers age is, as at 31st March 2019. Upper and lower time considerations apply at this meet. Please see 'Upcoming Galas' page for event details and time considerations. CLOSING DATE FRIDAY 1ST FEBRUARY. Please see attached results from last weeks Shrimps gala. ![]()
Please see attached results sheet to see how you performed on the night. ![]()
ACCEPTED ENTRIES FOR COUNTIES Accepted entries for Chorley Marlins can be found on pages 4 and 5 of the attached PDF below. All swimmers should have received a programme of events along with their entry information however there is also a programme of events attached. I have not yet received details of warm up times, these will be forwarded to all swimmers as soon as they have been confirmed. [email protected] ![]()
If anyone needs a membership renewal form and information please contact
Kathryn - [email protected] or Bev - [email protected] and they will email you the information. Due to the Shrimps gala on Saturday 12th January, 5pm at All Seasons Leisure Centre, there will be no swimming training for any squad or lessons for our Mini Marlins on that day.
Still time to enter if you can email [email protected] Before Saturday 12th JANUARY 2019 Chorley and Leyland Shrimps Gala 2019 12th January 2019, 5pm warm up All Seasons Leisure Centre The gala is open for all Chorley and Leyland swimmers born between 1st January 2010 and 31st December 2011. However, it is necessary that the swimmers have been approved by their coaches before entering the gala. The events are 25m of all strokes. A £5 entry fee will allow swimmers to compete in all 4 events. Still time to enter if you can email [email protected] Before Saturday 12th JANUARY 2019 Please note there is a £3 fee for spectators and could those swimmers that enter please bring a spare towel for poolside to keep warm between events and also a drinks bottle to keep hydrated.
UPDATE: A date has now been set for the course which will be Tuesday 15th January at All Seasons Leisure Centre at 7pm Please see attached flyer for details of registering your interest in future timekeepers course. We are always on the look out for people who are willing to help and this would be the perfect time to help Chorley Marlins.
December 2024