We wish you all @ Chorley Marlins a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in 2014,
lets hope 2014 is as successful as 2013 was. A great BIG Thank You to all those that turned up to help Chorley Marlins raise some funds at ASDA Clayton Green on Sunday. We managed to raise a grand total of £800.17 Thank You to the following swimmers, without which we couldn't raised anything.
Special mention must go to Gill Donohoe for organizing this great fundraiser and giving up most of her Sunday, all the liaison officers for helping publicize the event and helping out on the day. Also the Astles family for the effort that they put in all day, in fact I think most of us put more than the hour that was requested of us and you can all hold your head high, the club appreciates everything you've done. We would also like to thank ASDA for allowing us to invade the store for the day, Thanks Very Much Enjoy some of the pictures below from the day. The final round of the Arena league is over and we finished a very credible 4th place in division 1, narrowly missing out on promotion to the premier league.
Well done to all the team who took part, some of which can be seen below with Mary, our proud Head Coach. As you may or may not be aware this years North Lancs League division 2 was won by us, we swam in 4 galas and won all 4 to be crowned champions of div 2 2013 and in the process winning promotion to division 1 in 2014. Well done to all our swimmers that took part this year, some of which can be seen below. Just a reminder that the closing date for the above gala is this Sunday, the 15th December 2013.
Please ensure that entry times are completed for each event, forms without times will not be submitted. I will not be able to attend at All Seasons on Sunday evening so if you have any questions please email me at [email protected] Alternatively I will be at Broughton on Saturday for the arena gala if anyone wishes to speak there or hand in forms. Regards, Ashley (Comp Sec) There will be transport provided to Broughton via coach from Chorley All Seasons Leisure Centre. We are asking that everyone arrives at Chorley at 3:30pm so we can take the opportunity to take a few pictures.
We would like to capture the current Arena League team and also take the opportunity to capture a picture of the North Lancs team with the Division B trophy which we have now been presented with. Also could anyone that has attended the recent Inter Association gala bring along your T-shirt from there so we can take a picture of you all together. Much appreciated Thanks. The Team Sheet is below please indicate your attendance either here or on the notice board. Due to technical difficulties please note that withdrawals cannot be made by text, pls email [email protected] prior to the event if you need to withdraw.
Here's a plea from our Chairman Hi All, More Information:
Improvers and adult helpers could you please arrive at 11am in your Marlins T shirts All other squads can you arrive 15mins before your allotted time. We have been allocated 12 tills so we need to be able to cover that with helpers. Could all Liaison officers please attend with their relative squads. Please find information and entry form for the above gala under the 'open gala' tab on homepage.
CLOSING DATE is Sunday 15th December 2013. Late entries will not be accepted. Any queries pls email [email protected]. Please note additional information for swimmers/parents attending the above gala
December 2024