Thank you for your continued support and patience as we continue our return to training. A reminder that standing orders for training fees should have been restarted for April.
These should be at last years levels as shown in the table below. Sort Code: 20-69-85 A/c Number: 73040828 A/c Name: Chorley Marlins ASC. Please add the swimmers name as reference. Gaining confidence, maximising potential and renewing her love for sport are just some of the things that Anna Hopkin attributes to her time in club swimming.
The Loughborough National Centre-trained athlete has just posted some impressive performances while racing at the British Swimming Selection Trials and says that without the years spent in the club environment, she potentially wouldn’t be where she is today. “My mum was always keen to get us to learn to swim,” said Hopkin. “She had previously done some learn-to-swim teaching and so was quite keen to get us [myself and my brother] into a club once we realised that we had a bit of a knack for it”. After joining Chorley Marlins SC aged eight, Anna reflects on her earliest swimming memory: “Doing micro-leagues when I was eight or nine. “It was similar to Arena League and it was for the younger ones – 4x25m relays and 50m races – so it was just a lot of fun. “At that point, we were doing quite well in the micro-leagues; our relays were really fast. It’s fun to do relays and get to know people that way and make friends with them.” Gaining confidence and enjoyment Hopkin admits that as a youngster she was quite shy, and says that entering the club environment alongside school friends allowed her to ‘gain confidence’. “I joined with two of my friends who I went to primary school with so I think it was just nice to do something with them,” she said. “I was quite a shy kid so it’s nice to join with people I already knew and then be able to kind of meet people and gain a bit more confidence.” Hopkin moved from Chorley Marlins to train at elite squad Gallica, where she spent three years. When she was 13, she began training full time with Blackburn Centurions Swimming Club, a club which she says had a massive effect on her swimming journey. “I’d definitely say my coach at Blackburn, Lee [Orrell], really helped me once I moved back to Blackburn from Gallica,” she said. “I sort of learned to love the sport and make everything more fun. “He was probably the key in getting me back into swimming after I had stepped away from the more serious side of it for a bit.” The 24-year-old speaks candidly of a time when she had fallen out of love with the sport and decided to take a step back from serious competition and training. “I just found it really hard,” she said. “I wasn’t enjoying it. “Lee gradually allowed me to do a little bit and then helped me to enjoy the sport again and get back into it. Ultimately, he helped me qualify for the British Championships before I went to university.” ‘Clubs are instrumental’ The Commonwealth Games bronze medallist spoke on her experiences within the club setting and said: “They definitely all played their parts. “Being at Chorley really made me realise how good I could potentially be. “Gallica was a big step up and was a much more serious few years and I think, potentially, without that I wouldn’t be where I am now. If I hadn’t had that then, I’m not sure I’d be where I am now. “Blackburn was very instrumental in keeping me in the sport when, potentially, I didn’t know if I was going to carry on at all, and then just gradually helping me to enjoy it again. Without Blackburn, I wouldn’t have wanted to keep going on until university. “I think it’s an excellent way to socialise, to get fit, to enjoy a sport, to start competing” Her advice to any young person looking to join a club, aquatics or otherwise, is: “I think it’s really important to join I’d say as many clubs as possible when you’re young. “That’s what I did. I joined swimming, gymnastics, running, trampolining, ballet – I did all sorts. “Because I was always quite shy, it was always either my mum pushing me to join a club or I would go because friends were joining the club. I’m so glad that my mum [Helen] did me push to join a club because every time I joined one I absolutely loved it. “I feel like the coaches are always super welcoming and they allow you to sort of integrate with other people and make friends. It’s always sort of really easy to transition into a club so I 100 per cent recommend it. “If I hadn’t entered into the club setting, you don’t give yourself the opportunity to be noticed, or your talent improved or your technique worked on. “It’s at that very early stage where you start to realise where potentially the sport might go. So I think you’ve always got to start somewhere and that’s always going to be instrumental in where you go from there.” Taken from 23rd April 2021 Swim England article published on A reminder that Mini Marlins and Development Squad will be running this Saturday 2 - 3pm at Leyland Leisure Centre. Please see here for details.
Due to a technical error an email from August last year was sent out last night with the subject ‘Sunday Training’.
Please ignore this, details of the return to training for Mini Marlins and Development Squad at Leyland from Saturday 17th can be viewed here. Sorry for any confusion. A few reminders regarding the resumption of training from today.
The changing rooms continue to be closed so swimmers need to arrive pool ready. A Health Screening Form needs to be completed for the first session back, they are available here. Face coverings are still required for swimmers, coaches, volunteers and parents / carers when entering the leisure centres unless exempt. It is optional for children under the age of 11 as they are not required by law to wear face coverings. Spaces in training sessions have only been allocated to those who have already returned and paid their Swim England membership. Swim England membership is required to attend Chorley Marlins training for insurance reasons. Standing orders for training fees should be restarted, these should be at the previous rates which can be seen here. With the resumption of training from Monday 12th April, we need to request that all swimmers complete a new screening form before their first training session. Forms can be downloaded below. They can either be printed out and handed in at your first session back or returned by email to Claire in advance - [email protected] ![]()
We are pleased to confirm that Chorley Marlins will be back training from Monday 12th April. Below is the training schedule for the first four weeks back for swimmers who have renewed their Swim England membership so are insured to swim. Saturday's from 17th April: Unfortunately, our traditional pool time for Minis at All Seasons Chorley on Saturdays 5-7 pm is not available as the Leisure Centre will reopen again with limited opening hours at weekends. Fortunately, Leyland Leisure Centre has been accommodating and Mary has managed to arrange pool time there for Minis on Saturday afternoons 2-3 pm from Saturday 17th April. The lesson time at Leyland in the above table is based on the previous time and teacher at Chorley All Seasons. Can all Minis please confirm their lesson time and teacher with Mary by emailing [email protected] From Monday 12th April: Due to restrictions on the number swimmers allowed in lanes, training sessions have been allocated to swimmers who have renewed their Swim England membership. We cannot guarantee space if you have not renewed.
Volunteers To facilitate the return to training we are looking for volunteers again to meet and greet the swimmers on arrival and to be there at the end of the session to escort them out. Can any volunteers please contact Claire by email, [email protected] All help greatly appreciated. Fees Can members please restart their standing orders for training fees at the previous levels which can be seen here. We will be operating with reduced capacity in lanes due to the restrictions but will still have the same level of pool fees and expenses to pay so are unable to reduce fees. The above training times are for the first four weeks back and will be reviewed as more pool time becomes available. We hope that the Leisure Centre management / Chorley Council will quickly extend the opening hours and offer us more pool time so that we can return to our traditional training slots and get as many young people back being active as possible. The coaches, teachers and helpers are looking forward to seeing our swimmers back in the pool training again next week. |
December 2024