We are pleased to confirm that Chorley Marlins will be back training from Monday 12th April. Below is the training schedule for the first four weeks back for swimmers who have renewed their Swim England membership so are insured to swim. Saturday's from 17th April: Unfortunately, our traditional pool time for Minis at All Seasons Chorley on Saturdays 5-7 pm is not available as the Leisure Centre will reopen again with limited opening hours at weekends. Fortunately, Leyland Leisure Centre has been accommodating and Mary has managed to arrange pool time there for Minis on Saturday afternoons 2-3 pm from Saturday 17th April. The lesson time at Leyland in the above table is based on the previous time and teacher at Chorley All Seasons. Can all Minis please confirm their lesson time and teacher with Mary by emailing [email protected] From Monday 12th April: Due to restrictions on the number swimmers allowed in lanes, training sessions have been allocated to swimmers who have renewed their Swim England membership. We cannot guarantee space if you have not renewed.
Volunteers To facilitate the return to training we are looking for volunteers again to meet and greet the swimmers on arrival and to be there at the end of the session to escort them out. Can any volunteers please contact Claire by email, [email protected] All help greatly appreciated. Fees Can members please restart their standing orders for training fees at the previous levels which can be seen here. We will be operating with reduced capacity in lanes due to the restrictions but will still have the same level of pool fees and expenses to pay so are unable to reduce fees. The above training times are for the first four weeks back and will be reviewed as more pool time becomes available. We hope that the Leisure Centre management / Chorley Council will quickly extend the opening hours and offer us more pool time so that we can return to our traditional training slots and get as many young people back being active as possible. The coaches, teachers and helpers are looking forward to seeing our swimmers back in the pool training again next week.
Antonella Greenhalgh
8/4/2021 01:15:06 pm
Great news, well done in getting it sorted, I believe it has been quite challenging.
8/4/2021 03:02:03 pm
Hi Antonella. I’m afraid we can’t use the changing rooms just yet. Please come ‘beach ready’
Jacqui Duckworth
8/4/2021 01:33:32 pm
Thanks for the update, could you confirm the sort code and account number for the standing order please
8/4/2021 03:01:46 pm
Hi Jacqui sort code for you
Delphine Avison
8/4/2021 02:33:34 pm
Hi, is there any time planned for Club 3? Also would they be able to use the changing rooms after swimming? Many thanks. Take care
8/4/2021 03:06:02 pm
Hi Delphine. I’ve just spoken to Mary.
Delphine Avison
8/4/2021 09:49:42 pm
Thank you so much Bev. Just to let you know Louana won't be going back then for the time being as the hours are not convenient for us. Many thanks. Take care x
Ruth Atherton
8/4/2021 06:52:14 pm
Helen Bolton
12/4/2021 09:58:43 pm
Ava and Joe's Dad (Ben) is happy to volunteer for all there sessions except Sat AM.
Catherine Mcgoldrick
17/4/2021 01:31:18 pm
My daughter Zoe used to be in mini marlins she’s 11 in yr7 high school I would like her reassessed to join back she’s quite dancing to fully focus on swimming she didn’t put 100 percent into classes but at gala did exceptionally well and came 1st in most and 2nd I feel not she’s matured and wants to focus and has asked to come back she will teach her potential Comments are closed.
December 2024